Honey Butter

Have you ever wanted some sweet creamy honey butter, and didn’t get it quite right?  This recipe is so simple and yet so delicious.  Make ahead, store in the fridge.


  • 1/2 cup butter, room temperature
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

In a small bowl of an electric mixer or a food processor fitted with a metal blade, process all ingredients until creamy.  Spoon into a small serving bowl.  Cover and refrigerate.  Let stand at room temperature 20 minutes before serving.  Makes about 3/4 cup.

Whole Wheat & Honey

Recipe: Whole Wheat & Honey Bread
Time: 2:45 p.m.
Weather: Nice
Temperature: outside 56.2°F, inside 77F
Humidity: outside 81%, inside 45%
Barometric Pressure: 26.21inHg
Baking Time: 25 minutes
Baking Temperature: 350°F
Customizations: none

Honey Wheat BreatIngredients:

1 C. milk
3 Tbsp. butter
2 Tbsp. dry yeast
1 C. warm water
1/3 C. honey
1 Tbsp. salt
1 tsp. sugar
1 C. wheat germ
4-5 C. bread flour
1 C. whole wheat flour


Scald milk, stir in butter until melted.  Cool to lukewarm (105°). In a large bowl dissolve yeast in warm water.  Add milk mixture, 2 cups of bread flour and the remaining ingredients.  Beat at medium speed for 1-2 minutes, scraping bowl often.  Stir in remaining flour, enough to make dough easy to handle. Knead about 10 minutes. Cover and let rise until double in size.

Shape into two 9×5 loaf pans.  Cover and let rise until double in size.  Bake at 350° for 25 minutes and remove from pans immediately.  Brush tops with butter.

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Grandma’s Oatmeal

Recipe: Grandma’s Oatmeal Bread
Time: 1:50 p.m.
Weather: Sunny
Temperature: outside 56°F, inside 76.5 F
Humidity: outside 82%, inside 45%
Barometric Pressure: 26.22inHg
Baking Time:
Baking Temperature: 375°F
Customizations: The oven was to be preheated to 375 F, but it takes awhile to up to temperature because I have a pizza stone in the bottom. So, I preheated it to 400 F, put the bread in and set the temperature to 375F.

The bread turned out perfect.

Baking at 4,000′

We are at 4,000 feet, and as you can imagine, bread can be more than a little finicky at these altitudes. As can other things. We are going to start with bread, and branch out from there.

I’ve decided to keep a log for the purpose of discovering what part, if any, the weather plays in baking bread, and if we can predict how the finished product will turn out.

We are going to track:

  • temperature
  • time
  • barometric pressure
  • type of bread

I’m resisting the urge to try to remember from today what the temperature was and all that. This should be a lot of fun and a nice experiment. I just love a good experiment.

I’ll be sharing some recipes, some baking tips and feel free to comment and ask question, we’ll learn together.